
SOLO, a newsletter to help solopreneurs stand out

Are you looking to share your big ideas through visual thinking? The founder of the solopreneur movement helps you become a magnet for clients and opportunities through visual authority, personal branding, and frameworks. Delivered to your inbox every Tuesday morning. Just announced: the Solo Business Canvas!

Outline icon of rocket ship about to launch with international "no" symbol superimposted on it
Featured Post

Can You Spot the Invisible Drag Forces on Your Solo Business?

Earlier this year, while developing the Solo Business Canvas project, I needed to integrate three complex software apps. I knew the desired results, but oh, how my brain hurt! I’d try something and it would work. Hurray! Then I’d add another element, and it failed. Try something else. Still not working. I repeated that one-step-forward-two-steps-back cycle many times. Some days, I threw up my hands and walked away. It’s a typical solopreneur situation, and I’m sure you can relate. We’re...

Silhouette of icon in white of person standing in blue spotlight stream.

Come with me on an imaginary journey. You’re ready to step into a bustling room full of strangers at a networking event. The air is thick with chatter and expectation. If you’re an extrovert, your eyes light up, and you recognize a sea of new best friends. Meanwhile, the introverts’ hearts race as they desperately seek a familiar face or a quiet corner to gather their thoughts. Chances are, even if you’re an extrovert, you recognize those feelings of discomfort and doubt. (And yes, despite my...

3 question marks in different colors on a black background

The seasons are changing! As the trees change color and drop their leaves, the air in the Midwest has a distinctive smell that brings memories of school, football, and crisp apples. Fall is my favorite time of year. Change has always been a big part of my solo business, too. Over the years, I’ve learned that I get bored quickly and chafe at routines. (Consistency comes in dead last on my 34 CliftonStrengths!) So, this week, instead of sharing a boatload of information, I’ve crafted three...

A jigsaw puzzle with 4 color pieces

Welcome to the many solopreneurs who have joined us from around the world after downloading my new Solo Business Canvas. We’re glad you’re here! (Not sure what I’m talking about? No worries. Catch up here.) Hey, Reader 👋 Have you ever stumbled upon a website or social media profile and thought, “Wow, they’ve really got it together!” That’s the power of a cohesive visual brand. It tells your story, showcases your professionalism, and lets your personality shine through — all in a glance....

Black and white icon of a thief

As solopreneurs, we often need to create impactful visuals on a tight budget and limited time. The secret? Learn to “steal” from the best. Now, I’m not advocating for copyright infringement. I’m talking about learning from those who’ve mastered the craft. It’s a time-honored approach, promoted by artists like Austin Kleon in his books and newsletter and Alex Llull in his Steal Club. You don’t copy to steal IP. You copy respectfully for inspiration. Let’s create some pixel-sized visual impact...

Solo Business Canvas

There’s nothing like sharing something you’ve been working on for a long time. That’s what’s up today. Meet the Solo Business Canvas For visual thinkers, it’s a framework that shows how to create a piece of intellectual property (IP) that gives physical shape to your ideas. For solopreneurs, it’s a powerful roadmap for growing your solo business. It’s the first resource from the Solo Business School. Tracing the roots The Solo Business Canvas is based on the Business Model Canvas (BMC), the...

Paris 2024 Pictogram of boxing, showing two boxing gloves over a playing field

We can let out a collective sigh… and get up off the sofa. The Olympics are over, and we can reclaim our lives until the Milan Winter Games in February 2026. So many great moments! But amid the astounding talent and grit shown by the athletes, visual thinkers may have noticed tiny graphics with each sport. These Paris 2024 pictograms were designed as a suite of 62 small coats of arms for each sport. (There are also 23 Paralympic sports pictograms.) Paris 2024 Olympic pictograms for swimming,...

Illustration of an apple tree in Fall, ready for harvest

Before moving to Chicago in 2010, I lived in New York’s Hudson Valley, about 75 miles north of New York City. It’s a beautiful part of the world, filled with hundreds of shades of green in the summer. However, it’s in the Fall that the area shines as the second-largest apple producer in the USA (after Washington State). There are dozens of hybrid varieties, from Macoun’s crisp tartness to Crispin’s pie-making perfection. Fall's bounty starts, of course, months before. So in this week’s mini...

A warm welcome to those who have joined our solopreneurial journey of visual communication. We’re glad you’re here! Hey, Reader 👋 If you’re like most creative professionals, when I talk about selling, your eyes glaze over. Or you squirm and shudder. In my work with solopreneurs, one visual framework breaks through sales barriers — and it’s the simplest framework of all. What is it, and why is it effective? That’s today’s mini masterclass. Let’s get started. One simple line, so much impact The...

Image of 2 stick figures building a wall and one figure handing a brick to another. Text underneath the drawing asks: Borrow?

Who’s going to believe me? Do you remember asking yourself that when you first started out? I do. Decades ago, I was establishing a business as a curatorial advisor. (Translation: helping museums develop exhibitions.) I had art degrees and experience at a leading Midwest art center, and I knew I was a skilled researcher and writer. But this was New York City. My internal monologue of doubt wouldn’t stop. I wanted to grow my visibility and reputation. So, I started learning all I could. That’s...