3 Strategic Questions to Transform Your Personal Brand

The seasons are changing! As the trees change color and drop their leaves, the air in the Midwest has a distinctive smell that brings memories of school, football, and crisp apples. Fall is my favorite time of year.

Change has always been a big part of my solo business, too. Over the years, I’ve learned that I get bored quickly and chafe at routines. (Consistency comes in dead last on my 34 CliftonStrengths!)

So, this week, instead of sharing a boatload of information, I’ve crafted three questions for you to consider as you build your personal brand.

↔️ But first up: Two reader interactions.

Thanks to Lisa Van Gemert for letting me know that a recent SOLO issue inspired her to update her LinkedIn banner. Kudos on taking action, Lisa! How about you? Does one of your social media profile visuals need a refresh? Time to make it happen.

Thanks also to eagle-eyed reader Amy D., for questioning the Terms of Service of Lex, the AI-fueled writing assistant I mentioned last week. Her email prompted me to confirm with the startup that all writing remains personal and does not feed their algorithm.

Got a question or comment? Just hit reply. Yes, a real solopreneur in Chicago writes each issue, reads your emails, and does a virtual happy dance whenever a reader checks in.

Now, let’s explore these three critical questions.

Reflect, refine, and stand out

Personal branding advice is everywhere, but what really matters is your unique perspective.

Today, let's focus on self-reflection instead of guidelines. These three strategic questions will help you uncover and articulate what makes your solopreneur brand distinctive. Ready to dive in?

✅ #1: What unique value do I offer my audience?
Reflect on your skills, experiences, and interests to identify what sets you apart. Then, ask yourself: How can I combine these unique qualities to solve problems or fulfill needs in ways that no one else can?

✅ #2: What critical problems do my ideal customers face?
Research your target market’s challenges through surveys and conversations. Ask yourself: What underlying issues or unmet needs might my customers also have that they haven't explicitly expressed?

✅ #3: What consistent message about my business do I want to communicate across all platforms?
Write down your long-term vision for your business in one clear sentence. Then, identify three core values that guide your work. Ask yourself: How can I weave these elements into my everyday communications, from casual conversations to marketing materials and social media, to clearly represent who I am and what my business stands for?

After answering these three questions, compare your ideas to your current brand strategy. What have you been overlooking, and what's one step you can take to strengthen your solo brand? Set a deadline and act on it.

Remember, your brand evolves with you. Keep refining and standing out.

❤️ My favorite visual delights

Here are this week’s gems from around the Web for all types of visual thinkers and solopreneurs:

📕 Why Design Is Hard (Pre-pub excerpt)
Scott Berkun is the author of eight books on design, innovation, remote work, and more. His latest, Why Design Is Hard, with coauthor Bryan Zug, helps designers and other professionals navigate the “working with other people” part of a creative project. The book comes out on September 18th, and I just snagged a preview excerpt to share with you.

🔵 Is my blue your blue?
Neuroscience and AI researcher Patrick Nimeault recently posted a visual online questionnaire that poses questions about color perception, and it is sweeping the Internet. It shows you colors, and you respond whether it is green or blue. It’s a simple test with profound implications about vision, color, and universal understanding. (My boundary is at hue 177, bluer than 75% of the population. What’s yours?)

🤖 Thought Partner: AI as your Intellectual Ally
This guest essay by Peter Shove, CEO of online business school Section, explores how to spar effectively with AI chat services, and the seven ways AI can elevate your thinking and decision-making. For those who prefer audio, cultural commentator George Hahn voices the essay. A worthwhile read or listen.

Did you get your free Solo Business Canvas yet?

If you haven’t downloaded your copy of this one-page, interactive visual framework to help you grow your solo business, what are you waiting for?

The Solo Business Canvas is my labor of love, nearly a year in the making, to help solopreneurs sort out the key components of their business. It will help you:

  • Get clear on what you offer
  • Spot new ways to make money
  • Identify your ideal customers
  • Map the resources you need
  • Know your exact next steps

After completing the Canvas, you’ll have an easy-to-follow roadmap for creating a successful solo company. Download your copy and put it to work in your business.

Did you miss these?

Catch up on some recent popular issues of SOLO you may have missed.

Is Your Branding Missing These 20 Visual Elements?

Ready to Steal a Standout Brand?

Meet the Solo Business Canvas

Could Your Brand’s Visuals Stand on the Olympic Podium?​​

Draw, Tell, and Sell with This Single-line Framework​​​​​​​​​

Want to check out other past issues? Visit the SOLO Newsletter archive.

Thanks again for being a SOLO reader and coming along on this journey of visual exploration.

Know someone who wants to grow their solo business with a visual framework? Have them visit the Solo Business Canvas landing page at www.solobusinessschool.com/canvas.

And if you received this issue from a friend, I invite you to subscribe.​

See you next week,

SOLO, a newsletter to help solopreneurs stand out

Are you looking to share your big ideas through visual thinking? The founder of the solopreneur movement helps you become a magnet for clients and opportunities through visual authority, personal branding, and frameworks. Delivered to your inbox every Tuesday morning. Just announced: the Solo Business Canvas!

Read more from SOLO, a newsletter to help solopreneurs stand out
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