Is Your Brand Missing These 10 Visual Elements?

Welcome to the many solopreneurs who have joined us from around the world after downloading my new Solo Business Canvas. We’re glad you’re here!

(Not sure what I’m talking about? No worries. Catch up here.)

Hey, Reader 👋

Have you ever stumbled upon a website or social media profile and thought, “Wow, they’ve really got it together!” That’s the power of a cohesive visual brand. It tells your story, showcases your professionalism, and lets your personality shine through — all in a glance.

Building your visual brand is like putting together a puzzle. Each piece should fit perfectly to create a unique picture.

Ready to explore those puzzle pieces? Let’s dive into 10 visual touchpoints that will have potential clients saying, “I’m so glad I found you! This is exactly what I need.”

1️⃣ Logo

Let’s start with the cornerstone of your visual brand: your logo. Think of it as your business’ autograph. It should be simple enough to sketch on a napkin, yet powerful enough to stick in someone's mind. And if you're just starting out, don't worry — a wordmark (your name in a specific font) can work as well as a fancy symbol.

2️⃣ Color palette

Colors are the emojis of your brand. They instantly communicate your personality and evoke specific feelings about your business.

Are you going for calm and collected 😌 or bold and energetic 🎉? Pick a palette that reflects your unique style and makes your competitors say, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

Pro tip: Stick to 1-2 main colors and 1-2 accent colors. You want enough variety to be interesting but not so much that you look like you raided your childhood box of Crayolas.

3️⃣ Typography

Longtime readers know my love of fonts. They’re your brand’s visual voice. Are you whispering sweet nothings or shouting from the rooftops?

Choose a primary font for your headlines (the attention-grabber), a secondary font for your body text (the explainer), and an accent font for special touches (the brand’s exclamation point). Make sure they’re easy on the eyes, whether someone reads them on a billboard or squints on a phone.

4️⃣ Imagery style

Here's where many solopreneurs hit a snag. (Guilty as charged.) However, you can tackle it once you understand the basics.

Your imagery style is like your brand’s visual wardrobe. It includes polished headshots, behind-the-scenes peeks, product close-ups, or fun illustrations. Whatever you choose, consistency is crucial.

If your website is decked out in formal business attire, don’t let your social media suddenly show up in beach shorts and flip-flops.

5️⃣ Website

Your website is the star player of your brand in the digital world. It’s often the first comprehensive online experience potential clients have with your business, so it needs to make a strong impression.

Every element must align with your visual brand, from the layout to the buttons. Your site should feel welcoming and distinctly you while being intuitive and purposeful.

Remember, it’s not just about aesthetics — your website needs to work as hard as you do. Guide your visitors to the information or actions you want them to take.

6️⃣ Social media

Love it or hate it, you can’t deny the power of social media. The simplest method to maintain consistency across all platforms and strengthen your online brand is to create templates for your profile pictures, cover images, post graphics, and story backgrounds.

This approach saves time and ensures your brand is instantly recognizable on any platform. You want to appear as professional, polished, and unmistakably you.

7️⃣ Email newsletter

Don’t underestimate a well-designed newsletter. It can turn “Oh, another email” into “Ooh, can’t wait to read this!”

When done right, your newsletter becomes a highlight of your audience’s inbox, fostering loyalty and encouraging engagement.

This regular connection with your audience lets you share your expertise, offer value, and keep your brand fresh in readers’ minds. Design it to feel like a personal note from you, with your brand’s colors, fonts, and imagery.

8️⃣ Business card

Even in our digital world, a physical business card can be special. It’s a piece of your brand that people can take home. So make it count!

When someone pulls out your card later, you want them to remember the fantastic conversation you shared.

9️⃣ Product or service graphics

Whether you’re selling physical or digital products or services, you need persuasive graphics to showcase them. Think product photos that make people say, “I need this!”, or visuals and frameworks of your services that have potential clients nodding.

These visuals are your brand ambassadors in the digital marketplace. Make sure they clearly communicate your value and are unmistakably yours.

🔟 Video branding

Lastly, let’s talk about video. It’s a competitive visual space, with everyone from your neighbor to Hollywood stars making videos.

Your video brand needs to be strong to stand out. Make sure every frame is on-brand, from your thumbnail to your intro animation and end screen.

Putting the pieces together

Feeling overwhelmed? Don't worry, you don’t need to tackle everything at once. Start with the basics: your logo, color palette, and typography. Then, work through the rest of the list.

Keep in mind that your brand will evolve as your business grows — mine certainly has. The key is to start somewhere and maintain consistency as much as possible.

While you can DIY many aspects of your visual brand, don’t hesitate to invest in professional help. A skilled graphic designer can turn your ideas into a polished, professional brand that represents you.

As a solopreneur for decades, I can tell you that the right visual brand can transform your business. It helps attract ideal clients, command higher prices, and build a reputation as a true professional.

Most importantly, have fun! After all, your brand is a reflection of you.

❤️ My favorite visual delights

Here are this week’s gems from around the Web for all types of visual thinkers:

👁️ Genially, for creating interactive visuals
The online app Genially lets you turn a static visual into a clickable multimedia experience for your viewers. Its free plan gives you access to 1,000 templates to create interactive and animated content. Upgrade for additional storage, download options, and publishing choices. Great for creative exploration as well as inspiration.

🔢 Most common PIN codes?
Are you stumped every time you must create a password or PIN? You’re not alone. Humans are notoriously poor at this critical security task. This infographic of the most common PIN codes from Information Is Beautiful succeeds on two levels: It’s a beautiful image of yellow and orange hues, and it teaches an important lesson. The data story behind it is also a worthwhile read, and reveals the most and least popular codes.

✍️ Lex, an AI-based editorial assistant for writers
I’ve been using ChatGPT and other AI tools for nearly 2 years, and was delighted to discover, a free word processor with AI built in. Lex shines above the rest with its helpful AI-based grammar, organizing, and feedback capabilities. Plus, anything you write remains private, not feeding the algorithm. Consider it your smart Google docs alternative. There's a lot for free, and a Pro upgrade adds enhanced features.

Catch up on some recent popular issues of SOLO you may have missed.

Ready to Steal a Standout Brand?

Meet the Solo Business Canvas

Could Your Brand’s Visuals Stand on the Olympic Podium?​​

Draw, Tell, and Sell with This Single-line Framework

Credibility: Build It or Borrow It?​​​​​​​​

Want to check out other past issues? Visit the SOLO Newsletter archive.

Thanks again for being a SOLO reader and coming along on this journey of visual exploration.

Know someone who wants to grow their solo business with a visual framework? Have them visit the Solo Business Canvas landing page at

And if you received this issue from a friend, I invite you to subscribe.​

See you next week,

SOLO, a newsletter to help solopreneurs stand out

Are you looking to share your big ideas through visual thinking? The founder of the solopreneur movement helps you become a magnet for clients and opportunities through visual authority, personal branding, and frameworks. Delivered to your inbox every Tuesday morning. Just announced: the Solo Business Canvas!

Read more from SOLO, a newsletter to help solopreneurs stand out
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