How to Stand Out When You’d Rather Hide

Come with me on an imaginary journey. You’re ready to step into a bustling room full of strangers at a networking event. The air is thick with chatter and expectation.

If you’re an extrovert, your eyes light up, and you recognize a sea of new best friends. Meanwhile, the introverts’ hearts race as they desperately seek a familiar face or a quiet corner to gather their thoughts.

Chances are, even if you’re an extrovert, you recognize those feelings of discomfort and doubt. (And yes, despite my widespread visibility, I often default to being an introvert in crowds.)

Putting yourself in the spotlight can feel unnatural and uncomfortable. But as a solopreneur, you know visibility is crucial for your business success.

Today’s exploration is about balancing the demands of being visible with your impulse to remain out of the spotlight.

But before we go there, I have one request.

First, I need your help.

I’ve been writing this newsletter in many forms for several years. Some of you have been with me since the early days, while others have signed up in the last few weeks.

Here’s my dilemma: Some of you joined when I was diving deep into visual frameworks. Others are here for design and visual communication. You may have joined recently based on the Solo Business Canvas.

I know, this broad approach contradicts the idea that “growth comes from focused content.” But hey, I have many interests (probably like you).

But it poses a dilemma: What should I share with you in SOLO?

So, I’ve put together 3 questions to learn what may be most helpful to you and better understand you. It will take about 2 minutes, and I’m asking you to fill it out and share your thoughts.

It will help me create content and resources you want, and avoid clogging your inbox with off-target material.

⭐️ As an incentive (aren’t those always nice?), I’m giving away 5 copies of Seth Godin’s new book, This Is Strategy, which comes out in late October, to SOLO readers who respond.

Click the button to share your thoughts. 3 questions, 2 minutes. I’ll wait right here. Thanks for helping me out.

OK, back to navigating the spotlight.

As we build our solo businesses, visibility seems like the key to success. But what if you’d prefer to work behind the scenes?

As solopreneurs, our business success is closely tied to our personal brand. This presents a challenge when we prefer solitude to the spotlight.

Introverts’ superpower in business

Psychologists say introversion focuses on internal thoughts and feelings rather than external stimulation. It’s important to note that introversion isn’t synonymous with shyness or social anxiety. In fact, introverted entrepreneurs possess unique strengths that can be leveraged for business success.

Research by Adam Grant at Wharton found that introverts often outperform extroverts.

Introverts excel in deep thinking, problem-solving, and forming meaningful one-on-one connections — all valuable business skills.

The psychology of (not) standing out

For many introverts, being in the public eye can be daunting. This fear often stems from a combination of factors, including imposter syndrome – the feeling of not being as competent as others perceive you to be. Research in the International Journal of Behavioral Science found that up to 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their careers.

However, solo business success often requires what psychologists call “selective extraversion” — being more extraverted when the situation requires it.

The key is finding a balance that allows you to showcase your expertise without compromising your need for solitude.

Ways introverted solopreneurs can shine

Let's explore how you can leverage your introvert superpowers to make your solo business stand out.

Leverage your strengths.
As an introvert, use your deep thinking skills. Share your ideas with clients to build strong 1:1 relationships.

Embrace asynchronous communication.
Async (meaning not in real-time) communication allows time for thoughtful responses. Email can be your friend.

Maximize content marketing.
Write articles or social media posts showcasing your expertise. Consider pre-recorded podcasts or videos if you’re comfortable with those formats.

Master online networking.
Participate in virtual events and webinars, which can feel less overwhelming than in-person networking. Focus on quality interactions over quantity.

Practice controlled exposure.
Communicating can be exhausting for introverts. Set clear boundaries and allow recovery time after social interactions. Gradually increase your public visibility at a comfortable pace.

Your introvert-friendly action plan

When you’re ready to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight, here’s a roadmap to get you (quietly) started:

1️⃣ Explore your superpower(s).
What unique value do you bring to the table? Identify what sets you apart in your field. See your difference as an advantage.

2️⃣ Set tiny visibility goals.
Start small to build confidence. For example, commit to sharing one thoughtful post a week on your chosen social media platform.

3️⃣ Create a recharge ritual.
After putting yourself out there, treat yourself to some well-deserved me-time. This could be quiet reading, a nature walk, or your favorite solo activity.

Harnessing your quiet power

Remember, standing out doesn’t mean changing who you are. Your introversion is an asset, not a liability.

Introverted solopreneurs excel in listening, analyzing, and providing thoughtful solutions.

As Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, puts it: “There’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.”

By harnessing your quiet power, you can create a thriving solo business that’s true to who you are — and define success on your own terms.

❤️ My favorite visual delights

Here are this week’s gems from around the Web for all types of visual thinkers and solopreneurs:

⌛️ How to Overcome the Urge to Quit
Josh Spector shares insights gleaned from eight years (!) of weekly publishing his For The Interested newsletter. It’s advice that’s both practical and wise. Before you decide to bail on a project or idea, read this.

🧐 Putting Up Gates to Low-Paying Prospects
In this short video​, watch design expert Chris Do skillfully handle prospects with unrealistic budget expectations. Spend 60 seconds and see how top professionals gracefully shut down and redirect low-budget clients.

🎧 30 Best Design Podcasts
Recently updated, this list features the best design podcasts from thousands of podcasts on the web and is ranked by relevancy, authority, social media followers, and freshness. You’ll spot some recognized personalities (Debbie Millman, 99% Invisible) and new faces.

Did you get your free Solo Business Canvas?

If you haven’t downloaded your copy of this one-page, interactive visual framework to help you grow your solo business, what are you waiting for?

The Solo Business Canvas is my labor of love, nearly a year in the making, to help solopreneurs sort out the key components of their business. It will help you:

  • Get clear on what you offer
  • Spot new ways to make money
  • Identify your ideal customers
  • Map the resources you need
  • Know your exact next steps

After completing the Canvas, you’ll have an easy-to-follow roadmap for creating a successful solo company. Download your copy and put it to work in your business.

Did you miss these?

Catch up on some recent popular issues of SOLO you may have missed.

​​3 Strategic Questions to Transform Your Personal Brand

Meet the Solo Business Canvas

Credibility: Build It or Borrow It?​​​

Draw, Tell, and Sell with This Single-line Framework​​​​​​​​​

Want to check out other past issues? Visit the SOLO Newsletter archive.

❗️❗️ Oh, did you miss that link for the 3 questions to tell me your ideas? Here it is again.

Thanks again for being a SOLO reader and coming along on this journey with me.

Know someone who wants to grow their solo business with a visual framework? Have them visit the Solo Business Canvas landing page at

And if you received this issue from a friend, I invite you to subscribe.​

See you next week,

SOLO, a newsletter to help solopreneurs stand out

Are you looking to share your big ideas through visual thinking? The founder of the solopreneur movement helps you become a magnet for clients and opportunities through visual authority, personal branding, and frameworks. Delivered to your inbox every Tuesday morning. Just announced: the Solo Business Canvas!

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