Can You Spot the Invisible Drag Forces on Your Solo Business?

Earlier this year, while developing the Solo Business Canvas project, I needed to integrate three complex software apps. I knew the desired results, but oh, how my brain hurt!

I’d try something and it would work. Hurray! Then I’d add another element, and it failed. Try something else. Still not working. I repeated that one-step-forward-two-steps-back cycle many times. Some days, I threw up my hands and walked away.

It’s a typical solopreneur situation, and I’m sure you can relate. We’re moving forward, driven by passion and determination, when suddenly... we’re stuck.

How do solopreneurs blast out of the gravitational pull of stuckness? That’s today’s exploration.

First, let me share my top experience of the week.

It’s great to know you!

In last week’s newsletter, I mentioned that I’ve put together 3 questions to understand the SOLO readership better. It takes about 2 minutes to fill it out and share your thoughts.

The goal? To help me create the content and resources you want, and avoid clogging your inbox with off-target material.

Over 40 SOLO readers responded (thank you!), and I’m learning a lot. We have such a diverse reader community. There are writers, futurists, app developers, artists and designers, online course creators, coaches and consultants, a “reluctant marketing guy,” and many more solo business founders.

Your thoughtful responses will guide me (as they have with this issue) in helping you grow your solo business, on your terms.

⭐️ As an incentive (always nice), I’m giving away a copy of Seth Godin’s new book, This Is Strategy, releasing in late October, to five SOLO readers who respond.

I’m delighted to announce our first two winners:

🔵 Brian Mills is a UX and data researcher who leads multidisciplinary global teams through human factors research, human-centered interaction design, and Agile product management. He consults to both global 100 companies and startups.

🔵 Christine Bower is a learning strategist who creates training programs for complex global organizations like Google and LinkedIn. She’s passionate about using brain-based learning design to help small business owners develop effective online courses.

Congrats to both Brian and Christine!

Whether you’re just starting out or have been working solo for a while, there’s still time to participate (and 3 more books to give away). 3 questions, 2 minutes, 3 more opportunities to win a book.

So if you missed the first round, here’s your chance to take part:

If you’ve already responded, thanks again. You’ll be included in the drawing pool and have three more opportunities to win a book.

Now, back to getting unstuck.

What are your liftoff barriers?

Getting stuck is common for solopreneurs, and the causes are many. Consider which of these might freeze your progress:

Decision fatigue
You face too many choices and responsibilities and feel mentally exhausted. Or, you’re mired in a complex project like I was in the example above.

Imposter syndrome
You doubt your abilities and feel like a fraud. This can escalate to fear of failure.

Your relentless pursuit of flawlessness hinders progress.

Lack of structure
Without a boss or set schedule, it’s easy to lose direction.

Working independently can result in a lack of fresh perspectives and motivation.

Recognize these? It’s often not just one factor keeping us stuck, but an annoying combination of several.

The good news is you don’t need to conquer them all at once.

Consider these elements as jigsaw puzzle pieces. Fitting one piece correctly reveals where others fit. Gradually, the big picture of your progress becomes clearer.

Understanding the standstill

Research adds another dimension to understanding this phenomenon. A study published in Heliyon found that entrepreneurs who practice self-reflection and mindfulness navigate challenges better. This suggests our internal mental state is crucial for progress.

Additionally, a Miro survey revealed that 63% of information workers experienced mental blocks while working on a solo project or task, highlighting the prevalence of this issue.

This data underscores that feeling stuck isn’t just a personal struggle, but a common challenge in the modern work environment.

It’s reassuring to know that feeling stuck isn’t limited to solopreneurs. Even the most successful entrepreneurs find it a psychological test, and understanding these mental roadblocks is the first step to overcoming them.

Jumpstart your success cycle

Let’s explore some practical strategies to regain momentum. Here are three actionable steps:

1️⃣ Break it down
When facing a daunting task, divide it into smaller, manageable steps. This approach makes progress more visible and less overwhelming. For instance, if you’re launching a new product, focus on completing one aspect of the marketing plan each day, rather than tackling the entire launch strategy simultaneously.

2️⃣ Implement a “Daily Win”
Commit to achieving and recording one small victory every day, no matter how minor. This maintains forward motion and builds a positive habit loop. Your win could be as simple as sending that email you’ve been putting off or brainstorming ideas for your next project.

3️⃣ Seek support and accountability
Connect with fellow solopreneurs or join a mastermind group. Having someone to share challenges with and hold you accountable can provide fresh perspectives and motivation. Schedule regular check-ins or join online communities in your field to stay connected and inspired. (I’m exploring creating a group mastermind for solopreneurs. Hit reply if this is something that interests you.)

By implementing these three practices, you’ll create a system to overcome obstacles. Recognize that you’re building a mental muscle of resilience and momentum. It’s the reps that make you stronger.

As solopreneurs, our path may often be unclear, but each small step forward is a victory. Celebrate your progress, and watch as you gain clarity and confidence to break through future roadblocks. Time to get moving!

❤️ My favorite visual delights

Here are this week’s gems from around the Web for all types of visual thinkers and solopreneurs:

💰 Billion-dollar solo businesses?
OpenAI founder Sam Altman’s comment about the reality of billion-dollar solo businesses ricocheted around the Internet when it first happened. But when you hear Sam speak it so calmly, as if it’s inevitable, it lands with greater impact. Here’s the 90-second video clip of Sam with entrepreneur Alexis Ohanian, who is no slouch himself as the co-founder of Reddit, startup investor, philanthropist, and husband of Serena Williams. Bonus: Watch until the end to see how FOMO is always lurking, no matter how big the ego or success.

⚖️ Can do vs. should do?
John Cutler writes about this 9-box visual framework as an aid to thinking through decision-making. Unlike a typical 3x3 matrix, Cutler’s boxes are of different sizes, depending on their impact on his Can and Should axes. His Substack post walks you through each box, his thinking, and annotated versions of his grid.

🤖 Supertools | Best AI guide
A collection of the most useful AI tools, organized and categorized in one spot, including hundreds of free and paid chatbots to explore.

Psst... did you get your free Solo Business Canvas yet?

If you haven’t downloaded your copy of this one-page, interactive visual framework to help you grow your solo business, what are you waiting for?

The Solo Business Canvas is my labor of love, nearly a year in the making, to help solopreneurs sort out the key components of their business. It will help you:

  • Get clear on what you offer
  • Spot new ways to make money
  • Identify your ideal customers
  • Map the resources you need
  • Know your exact next steps

After completing the Canvas, you’ll have an easy-to-follow roadmap for creating a successful solo company. Download your copy and put it to work in your business.

Did you miss these?

Catch up on some recent popular issues of SOLO you may have missed.

How to Stand Out When You’d Rather Hide

​​3 Strategic Questions to Transform Your Personal Brand

Meet the Solo Business Canvas

Credibility: Build It or Borrow It?​​​​​​​​​​​​

Want to check out other past issues? Visit the SOLO Newsletter archive.

❗️❗️ Oh, did you miss that link for the 3 questions to tell me your ideas and the chance to win a book? Here it is again.

Thanks again for being a SOLO reader and coming along on this journey with me.

Know someone who wants to grow their solo business with a visual framework? Have them visit the Solo Business Canvas landing page at

And if you received this issue from a friend, I invite you to subscribe.​

See you next week,

SOLO, a newsletter to help solopreneurs stand out

Are you looking to share your big ideas through visual thinking? The founder of the solopreneur movement helps you become a magnet for clients and opportunities through visual authority, personal branding, and frameworks. Delivered to your inbox every Tuesday morning. Just announced: the Solo Business Canvas!

Read more from SOLO, a newsletter to help solopreneurs stand out
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